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Utility at a cost: Assessing the risks of blockchain oracles
Digital Assets Capital Markets

Utility at a cost: Assessing the risks of blockchain oracles

Oracles are protocols that enable blockchains to both import and export off-chain data for use in smart contracts, as well as enable cross-chain communication. Evaluating the risks of smart contracts also means considering the key vulnerabilities introduced by oracles: concentration, data quality and technical risks.

Will Oil and Gas Producers Lose Access to External Financing as Lenders Decarbonize?
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Will Oil and Gas Producers Lose Access to External Financing as Lenders Decarbonize?

Despite longer-term pressures on funding sources, a focus on cash flow generation and debt repayment, along with higher oil prices and slower demand growth, has reduced external financing needs for the sector, a trend we expect to continue for the foreseeable future.

Top Geopolitical Risks of 2023

The world is changing. Geopolitical fragmentation is being fueled by cyber threats, the war in Ukraine, US-China relations and more. Here, we outline 2023’s top geopolitical risks.


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Power of AI – Tech and Commodities

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Surveying Australia’s Banking Sector


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India’s Energy Transition:
More Energy, Fewer Emissions

Oracles are protocols that enable blockchains to both import and export off-chain data for use in smart contracts, as well as enable cross-chain communication. Evaluating the risks of smart contracts also means considering the key vulnerabilities introduced by oracles: concentration, data quality and technical risks.

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Metaverse and Generative AI: Envisioning the Future of Human-Computer Interaction
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Metaverse and Generative AI: Envisioning the Future of Human-Computer Interaction

Technology hasn’t quite caught up to the metaverse’s potential for improving human interconnectedness and emulating physical processes, but the enablement of its use cases will inevitably bear advancements in technology and computing power.

AI in Banking: AI Will Be An Incremental Game Changer
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AI in Banking: AI Will Be An Incremental Game Changer

Banks are adopting generative AI, which promises earnings growth, improvements to decision-making, and better risk management. But it also comes with new risks, concerns, and costs that banks will have to manage.

Artificial Intelligence and Alternative Data in Credit Scoring and Credit Risk Surveillance
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Artificial Intelligence and Alternative Data in Credit Scoring and Credit Risk Surveillance

Artificial intelligence offers many benefits to companies in terms of automation, risk management and efficiency gains, but it needs to be employed carefully to mitigate potential challenges, especially when dealing with small datasets.

Credit Conditions Q4 2023

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North America: Shift To Low Gear
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North America: Shift To Low Gear

Europe: Resilience Under Pressure Amid Tighter Financial Conditions
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Europe: Resilience Under Pressure Amid Tighter Financial Conditions

Asia-Pacific: China Downside Risk Is High
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Asia-Pacific: China Downside Risk Is High

Emerging Markets: High Interest Rates Sour The Mood
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Emerging Markets: High Interest Rates Sour The Mood

Essential Intelligence for a changing world.


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The Mounting Cost of Climate for Insurers
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The Mounting Cost of Climate for Insurers

Commercial Real Estate Under Scrutiny
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Commercial Real Estate Under Scrutiny

Commercial real estate in the US is experiencing a confluence of challenges – including secular shifts in demand, the adoption of hybrid work, higher borrowing costs and volatile capital markets, and turmoil in the banking sector.

The War in Ukraine
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The War in Ukraine

This is India’s moment. How the country’s governments, business community and civil society meet expectations now – and over the coming decade – will have implications not just for India, but also for the rest of the world.

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Fuel for Thought: Warning signs on the path to mass EV adoption
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Fuel for Thought: Warning signs on the path to mass EV adoption

In-car gaming: key players, developments, and outlook
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In-car gaming: key players, developments, and outlook

As America becomes a nation of old cars, mechanics and the aftermarket may see boom times
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As America becomes a nation of old cars, mechanics and the aftermarket may see boom times

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